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Möbius thread
In a message dated 97-02-17 16:21:18 EST, jke@wolfenet.com (John Eickerman)
<< >We keep onn getting these bounce-backs of the digest for this apparently
>adress. Can you remove, please.
> Administrator@mailgw.sanders.lockheed.com
Can you please send these directly to Dan, as I have received a few copies
of this post already.
John Eickerman - jke@wolfenet.com
1987 Audi 4000CSquattro->>
My apoligies to everyone for the WBW. Dan took care of the digest already,
now he might have to bounce me! I should have sent it to Dan directly. It's
like a Möbius thread -I've received four copies of my post so far and only
sent it once. Just another AOL snafu, I guess.