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Re: A4 wheel on S4,possible ?

At 06:50 AM 2/28/97 -0500, Jim Griffin wrote:
>Hmm.. sounds like this dealer is pulling a fast one maybe...
>$800 sounds ridiculously  high... in fact, I don't think I've ever heard of
>any wheels (especially factory rims) that cost that much...

try the forged Fuchs alloys for a Porsche 911--and you thought Audi prices
were bad!  (OTOH, Porsche brake parts are a lots less $$$ than Audi's)

* linus toy                       email:  linust@mindspring.com      *
* mercer island, wa                                                  *
*                                                                    *
*             The obscure we eventually see,                         *
*             the completely obvious, it seems, takes longer.        *
*                               - Edward R. Murrow                   *