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RE: Anyone know the 800 number for Audi of America?

(800) 822-2834

- peter, peterhe@microsoft.com, http://www.GeoCities.com/MotorCity/1001
  issaquah, wa, usa
  91 200qw (totalled :-( repair estimate: $27,000!)
  94 acura legend gs

>-----Original Message-----
>From:	Sean Ford [SMTP:sean@nwh.org]
>Sent:	Monday, March 03, 1997 10:18 AM
>To:	Audi
>Subject:	Anyone know the 800 number for Audi of America?
>Hi, could some knowing person on the list send me the 800 number for Audi
>of America? I had it, but I don't know where I put it. Thanks.
>Sean Ford
>Newton-Wellesley Hospital
>Newton, MA  02162 (USA)