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Front End Mystery
Dear Fellow Audi owners,
I have a 1983 5KS with a problem tahhas baffeled me. When first using
my car in the morning I get a strange vibration coming from the front end.
It feels like a very out of balance tire but occurs at very low speed
(20-30MPH). Upon breaking I get a pulsing throught the break pedal feeling
like ABS gone wild. The problen sorts itself out after a few minutes and
repeated breaking. This morning I took the wheel off, started the car and
put it in gear (Don't try this at home). All seems normal except for an
occasional clicking sound. I would say CV joints , but the tell tale signs
are not there (no clicking going around corners), I'm think the wheel bearing
might be shot but they were replaced jus a few thousand miles ago, and the
rotors do not appear warped. I'm stumped, anybody out there have any
experience with somthing like this.
83'5Ks (136,000 miles and still running strong except for this vibration and
many other things which I will not go into now, But it still looks great)