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Re: Radiator for 86 5000 CST

In a note dated 3/3/97 Jonathan Monetti asks:

<<Anyway, I'm posting this to the list to see if anyone's had experiences
with boiling & brazing.>>

Yup...and it wasn't a good one. Leaking tank to core connection. Two repair
attempts by good local radiator shop later ("only" $75.00 to R & R tanks, rod
out, resolder tanks, and spray with black paint, radiator shop warranty the
second time) I know am the not-so-proud owner of a plastic tank, but new,
radiator...couldn't find an all metal one reasonable when I did this (and
wasn't on the list yet then to find one :-(  ). BTW, wasn't someone on the
list recently offering all metal radiators???

Mike Veglia
85 4ksq