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Audi event in Texas?!?!

>I live in Dallas/FW area and love my Audis.  My family now owns an 84 and
>85 5K, 88 90, 90 200T and I just got a 93 90!  Weeee!!!

Cool.  It seems that we have around 8 Audi Texas owners that are saying
they are.  At least all are within the Austin-Houston-Dallas triangle
(except from some in San Antonio I think).  Anyone want to have a little
get together one of these weekends?  I would be willing to drive to Austin
or Dallas or somewhere in between.  It is just 2 1/2 to Austin and 3 1/2 to
Dallas for me.  I can handle that to see some fellow owners.  Hey, and Mr.
Andrews could bring the whole family!  hahaha

Any takers?

____________________________ _______ _____ ____ ___
Rob Nance      - nance@flex.net
1986 Audi 4000s - K&N, exhaust, springs, and more..

Divine Systems - http://www.flex.net/Divine/Systems
Home Page      - http://www.flex.net/RobNance/Start