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Re: Drilling holes in airbox -Reply

>Actually thats not completely correct. I looked into air flow etc. with
>respect to air filters a couple of years ago. There are four categories of
>(1) ones that filter well and flow poorly, 
>(2) filter poorly and flow well, 
>(3) filter poorly and flow poorly,
>(4) and those that filter and flow well. 
>Obviously the last category is best. I haven't looked at Audi filters
>however K&N came up best on both filtering and flowing in independant
>tests of after market filters by a long way. I have the flow/filter
results at
>home and can post them if someone is interested. Just because it flows
>poorly it doesn't mean that it filters well as the figures demonstrate.

You have to remember that this is only true when the filter is properly
oiled.  Many people buy it and forget it, for it to perform it's filtering
duties, it MUST be cleaned and oiled on a regular basis.

____________________________ _______ _____ ____ ___
Rob Nance      - nance@flex.net
1986 Audi 4000s - K&N, exhaust, springs, and more..

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