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Re: D&W

Dave Head <dhead@sundial.net> wrote:

>Talked to Edy (Eddie) @ Wolf Sport today. He told me he'd just come back
>from Germany and these catalogues were running 10 marks. So why 30.00 US?
>That's one heck of an exchange rate!!!

About a week ago I ordered a catalog from their web page
(http://www.dw-online.de/english/english.htm).  The price is $10 US +
shipping.  After I filled in the order form I fully expected a another
form to fill in credit card info but instead I got a "Thankyou for your
order." notice.  Well after rereading the instructions I realized that
they ship "cash at advance" or some such thing, which I take to mean
that they only ship COD.  So I have no idea how much the total price
will be with shipping & COD fees but, if and when I ever get the catalog
I can let you know.
