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Removing Door Panels, @1990 100-200

Just plain Bill asked:

> But for the techno-challenged among us--how do I remove door panels on an 
> '89 100q without breaking something really expensive?

Really easy, Bill.  Almost more work to describe than to do.

1)  Using metric allen (hex) wrench, loosen three screws accessible 
from the underside of the front armrests.  (REar armrests only have 
two, I think).  I have one hex wrench with the short tip of the 
L-shape ground off for convenience, as this tip tends to scratch the 
door panel when turning - clearance is somewhat close.

The screws are captive and only have to be loosened, not removed.

2)  When screws are loose enough, the armrest can be removed by 
pulling up and out.

3)  Slide electronic control panel sideways out of armrest.  

4)  You need to remove the connections from the electronics panel 
to fully remove the door panel.  Before removing, for your 
convenience, stick a bit of masking tape on each connector and on the 
control panel, and number each connector.  This will really help!

5)  There should be a piece of foam blocking the hole where the wires 
pass thru the door.  This is to prevent cold air leaks in winter; remove 
carefully and store.

6)  Remove philips head screws at top front and rear edges of door 
panel.  Store them.

7)  Pull door release handle open; underneath it is a round hole 
giving access to a philips head screw.  Remove the screw; you may 
need a magnet to pull the screw out of the hole.

8)  Slide door release handle slightly forward, then pull gently 
outwards.  It will come out of its hole.

9)  The handle is now connected by a cable.  Remove the foam covering 
the cable attaching point and store.  Remove the clip retaining the cable 
to the handle plate, and store it.  DO NOT lose the clip.  (If you 
do, I have a workaround, but the clip keeps  the cable from popping 
loose.  If it comes loose, the handle has no leverage to pull the 
cable and won't open the door.  So the easy way is - don't lose it.)

10)  Using a pair of needle-nose pliers, remove the hooked end of the 
door release cable from its attachment point in the door handle 

11)  Look in the hole where the door handle plate was; there is one 
large philips head screw to be removed and stored.

12)  If memory serves, all attachments have now bee removed.  Take a 
large screwdriver or small pry bar; pad the end with masking tape; 
gently pry the door panel outward around the BOTTOM of the door.  
When it starts to pops loose, the rest of the clips holding it can be 
popped  loose easily.

13)  Pull door panel outwards at bottom; feed wires from armrest back 
through hole in door panel.  Lift upward on door panel and remove.

Total time with practice: 10 minutes.

Installation is reverse of removal, making sure to re-install all 
foam blocks if you don't want air leaks.

The door panel will fight you when going back on if you don't get all 
the little "pop in" clips aimed accurately.  Take your time, work 
around the bottom of the door patiently, and when you get them lined 
up, they go in easily.

NOTE:  Do NOT accidentally whack the door panel on one of the 
speaker grilles to snap it back on.  You will break the grille!

There is a sheet of plastic underneath the door panel, held at the 
top by three press-in clips, and retained by adhesive on the lower 
areas.  You can pull it loose from the adhseive, lift UP, (tape it up 
with masking tape if you want)  and the door's innards are revealed.


Al Powell, Ph.D.                 Voice:  409/845-2807
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.          Fax:    409/862-1202
College Station, TX 77843      