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Re: Sean Ford's wife...

Phil Payne wrote:

> > She must have been in love.
> >
> > "Darling - how would you like to change your name to _FORD_!!!?"

To which Sean Ford replied:

> > Oh, ya, PAYNE must've been a real selling point for you! But then again, a
> > Ford can be a real Payne! Thank God for my Audi.

The score is a draw: one point to the Green Corner, one point - to the
Blue Corner.

"Those living in a glass house shouldn'd be throwing stones" - the folk

Jeez, what am I saying?! thinks me, translating my own last name from
German as a "pot" or a "kettle".
And on top of that, my first name causes an instant smile on the face of
anyone, who had ever seen "Frankenstein". And to add insult to the
injury, I work for The Fredericks Co. (no, not that one, Bob! Although
designing lingere couldaf been more fun than designing positional
sensors. Hmm, especially when it comes to bench testing engineering
models in my lab =8).

Igor Kessel