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Re: hurry ! :part 2

Actually, now that I've gotten a better look at the next gen A6... I like
mine better! The Audi web site left a lot to the imagination (maybe it was
all of the java errors I recieved), but pictures I've seen lately... ehh,
take it or leave it. I was hoping for the chunky athletic look of the A4,
just on a bigger scale, or even the elegance of the A8, on a smaller scale.
Oh, well, I couldn't afford it anyway.

Sean Ford
Newton-Wellesley Hospital
Newton, MA  02162 (USA)
'92 Audi 100CS 5spd  16K miles (and counting!)

> From: Allan Jones <ampj@tiac.net>
> To: Sean Ford <sean@nwh.org>
> Subject: Re: hurry ! :part 2
> Date: Thursday, March 06, 1997 4:11 PM
> > Oh, sure! I haven't even owned my 100 for 1 week and it's already "the
> > previous body style"!! God, the new one's gorgeous.
> 	You think?!? I myself would be happy with "the previous body style"!!
> "God, the new one's".... got some major design goofs!(IMHO)
> 				Allan