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ripped off

Hi All-
    Got a question I need some help with.   Last fall, while a student 
at Penn State Univ., I needed to have my front wheel bearings and 
rotors replaced.   Because my beloved mechanic was in my hometown of 
Pittsburgh, and I had to go to Michigan the following week, I took it 
to the local dealer.   I was under the assumption that this would 
ensure a proper (albeit, expensive) job.    Well I was right on one 
count.    I found that while replacing the bearings, they broke the abs 
speed sensor, and tried to play it off.    Long story short- they 
eventually replaced the sensor.    Fast forward to the present:   The 
right front bearing is again humming incessantly after only 3,000 
miles.   My mechanic (the good guy)   said that both the bearings 
looked bad and the workmanship was poor.   Does anyone know who i can 
contact at Audi to stick it to these bastards?   I know bearings don't 
go out after 3000mi.   So something is obviously wrong.   Any 
assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated.   Thank you.
                                                -Reid Meyer
                                                '90 200t (128k)