I have a 1986 Audi 5000CS Turbo. I have recently had to replace
odometer and tacometer. After I put everything back together and in
place, I started-up the engine and everything was alright.
Lateron that night, I went out to go somewhere and I noticed that as
soon as I hit the switch to turn the lights on, the boost bar stopped
working on me. I went and turned the lights off, and it came back on.
I later started playing with it again and noticed with the lights on and
taking my hand and mooving the brightness knob on the computer pad
controll unit, it came back on, then quickly went off.
Sometimes now when I drive it at night and have to use the headlights, I
will see it come on for a sec, and then go out. I was wondering if
anyone has heard of this problem before?? I also wonder if I could have
missed plugging somthing in correctly?? I also wonder if there is a
grounding screw or somthing??
Mike Douglas
A PROUD Audi Owner