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A4=Accord (was RE: New A6)
IMNSHO- I would take an A4 over an accord ANY DAY. There are 375,000 of
the '96 accords in the US --how many A4s? I don't want to see myself
coming and going. The accord appeals to a lot of people, obviously, and
with Honda American Finance inflating residuals, accords lease around $200
a month.
I had a '96 civic and the car plain stunk (not trying to offend any honda
lovers here, and I know the original post was re:accords)
The cruise control was the worst of any car I've had.
The windshield wiper on the passenger side stopped in the middle of the
drivers line of sight.--Very hard to see when raining--it would leave a line
The tires(dunlop O.E.s) were aweful.
Very perceptable to not so strong crosswinds.
Only a radio in car that cost $16,200--No cassette or CD
-Bryan(never a honda owner again)
Bryan Bowen * Elon College, NC * 910.538.3702 * boweb4p0@numen.elon.edu
International Business Major/Spanish Minor
'86 CGT Comm. Ed. (deceased)
'84 GMC Starcraft Conversion Van (My Mom's OK)
Looking for that "priced right" Coupe Quattro
On Fri, 7 Mar 1997, Meron wrote:
> >The new A4 is just too much like a
> >cheap knockoff of last year's Honda Accord.
> Gee, what a surprise, I thought I was the only one who thought so.....
> Avi Meron