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Re: Unintended Acceleration

First off... I'm no legal expert and I'm sure others know more. 

The reason Audi didnt sue CBS was that CBS did not conduct the imfamous
pressure test. It was an outside firm. 60Min just reported what the
results were and interviewed people.

NBC vs GM was a different story. NBC was the tester, had placed the
rocket jets (fixed) to cause a fire and reported that story.

Several Audi dealers did sue one person... who headed a '5000 victims
support group'. The dealers won and I think got a cash settlement.

Story 1
This week my co-worker said he was applying the brakes, but the car
ZOOMED-SURGED-WENT NUTS out of his driveway. He admitted to pressing the
wrong petal in his accord autotranny. 

Story 2
I was checking on the status of my A4 at the dealer when my salesman was
waxing elegant about the 1.8 he's been driving. He said the engine
loosened up and launched!!! I nearly said the U-I words just to see his

BTW... volvo has a recall involving surging cars. Its a
electric-mechanical failure. Ive not seen any press on it!!!

Jason Palmer
88 5ksquattro
97 A41.8tquattro (soon?)