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Re: weekend update


I meant to ask you, with the 'clunk' and vertical play, didi you have any
sway, wander or mushiness in the front end, e.g. steering? I'm trying to
diagnose a brand new and rapidly worsening front end problem--road noise,
wander, and intermittent vibration.  


Jonathan Monetti

On Mon, 10 Mar 1997, Dan Simoes wrote:

> Hi, I'm Norm McDonald and this is the fake news. 
> :)
> I got under the 84 this weekend to replace the swaybar bushings
> and found out what the elusive clunk was.
> I removed the swaybar (center bushings slide on the bar, outers
> cut the old ones off, have the new ones pressed in, mine are being
> done right now) and happened to push up on the front subframe.
> Clunk.  Checked the other side.  Clunk.  The left side tightened
> up, but not all the way.  I guess over time the subframe bushings
> compress and lose their shape a bit.
> My solution was to visit the hardware store and purchase 2 washers for
> each side, 1/8" thick, one rubber, one metal, the same size as the
> washer under the bushing.  I sandwiched the rubber washer between
> the old and new washer, and voila, no more play in the bushing.
> I have yet to drive the car, but I think this will work.  Any reason
> it shouldn't?
> | Dan |
> PS - more snow today.  That fake "spring is here" routine worked
> great, huh? :)
> -- 
> Dan Simoes			          dans@ans.net
> ANS 				http://coimbra.ans.net/dans.html
> 100 Clearbrook Road  			(914) 789-5378 (voice)
> Elmsford, NY 10523			(914) 789-5310 (fax)