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Re: 200 Questions / Rather legnthy

> Easy question......where is the starter on a 1990 200 Quattro located?
It is on the passenger's side of the engine, attached to the bellhousing 
near the oil pan.  It is very easy to access (at least it was for me on 
my '88 5kCSq ...).  It is held in place by two bolts, and there are a 
couple of electrical connections ... make sure that you disconnect the 
battery before starting any work.  I removed the right front wheel and 
had no problem getting it out and a new one in ...

Another warning ... the OEM part will probably have a heat shield over the 
solenoid ... most of the rebuilt starters don't include it.  IME the one 
on the old starter will be stuck to the solenoid and difficult to remove 
intact ... get a new one from a dealer ... they only cost ~$5 ...
>      Part two, my car was in an accident seven months ago.....rolled down the
> driveway and hit a tree.  Hit on the front right side, directly in front of
> the alternator.  Granted I have been in a heated dispute with 'Liberty
> Mutual' over the quality of the workmanship, and meanwhile have not had my
> car for going-on-seven months now.

... sorry to hear about all the hassle!  It seems like the incident should 
have been fairly minor, it is too bad that it mushroomed as it did ...

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)