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A-4 :V-6 or 1.8 Turbo


My office mate just came back from the Denver Auto show and is faced with a 
dilema. He's looking at either a Saab 900 with the 2.3 liter four or an Audi 

The Audi is his "sporty" choice but he is being drawn by the apparent 
practicality of the Saab.

He posed a question to me that I couldn,t answer. What's the weight to HP of the 
Audi V-6, the Audi 1.8turbo, and the Saab 2.3.

One of my own questions relates to the reliability (longevity) of either the V-6 
or the 1.8.

Any opinions out there would be apppreciated. First person acounts of why either 
one was chosen would be nice. 

Paul A. Caouette
Partners for Community Development
Denver, Colorado
 83 TQC with 207k & Still Going
 85 4000Q 
And Many past Audis Gone but not Forgotten