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Re: Speed Governing- Need your opinion
- To: "quattro@coimbra.ans.net" <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
- Subject: Re: Speed Governing- Need your opinion
- From: Dave Eaton <dave.eaton@minedu.govt.nz>
- Date: Wed, 12 Mar 1997 10:13:11 +0012
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actually, i think you'll find that the germans speed govern their cars in europe to 155mph, out of deference to the green lobby....
'93 s2
'90 ur-q
..>From: Vytautas Reipa <vytas@erols.com>
..>Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 15:03:01 -0500
..>I would like your opininion regarding the fact that all Audis, BMWs and
..>almost all Mercedeses are nowadays speed governed in the US. It makes me
..>sick. Take the Audi A8 4.2 Q for example. I visited the European Audi site
..>(www.audi.de) a few weeks ago and found out that it had a top speed of
..>155mph. WOW! , I thought, what a great car. Imagine my suprise when I saw
..>that the US version was governed to 130. Now 25mph may not make much
..>difference since the US still has ridiculous speed limits but the thought
..>that the fuel gets shut off at 130mph just because you bought the car in the
..>US, angers me. I mean, a 4.2L 300HP engine governed to 130mph!! But the
..>biggest joke is the governing of the BMW 750iL, a V12 322HP monster. For
..>some reason, almost all BMWs are governed to 128mph. So is the 750iL. A car
..>that easily hits 155 back in Europe. Please share your thoughts on this. The
..>speed governor somehow drives me away from buying a German car. One last
..>thought: None of the Swedish cars sold here(volvos, saabs) are governed. Go