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Yesterday I had a shop install the H&R/Boge Turbo Gas package on my 
4000q.  I'm driving it around today and hear some knocking.  It sounds 
like a CV joint clunt, but since I just had it checked, I ruled it out.  
When I got home I looked under the front left fender and see some plastic 
hanging down from the fender and getting in the way.  No big deal.  But I 
also noticed that from this angle it looked as if the short springs that 
are supposed to reside at the back of the car were in the front.  A few 
of the coils were touching under the weight of the car.  So tomorrow I'm 
driving back down, slowly and avoiding large bumps, to have it installed 
right.  Even with them in backwards, it's better than stock!

thanks for listning.
Brian Bressler