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The UrQ A-arm show-down.
The mystery
From: "Mike Hopton" <mikeÉgenesis-microchip.on.ca>
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 1997 05:14:11 -0500
Subject: Re: UrQ A-arm bushings
The control arm bushings for North American Audi's were changed at
chassis number 85-D-900-500 i.e.
Pre 85-D-900-500 Part # is 811 407 181
From 85-D-900-501 Part # is 857 407 181
I have an '83 ur-q chassis 85-D-900361 old style welded control arms
and an '85 ur-q chassis 85-F-900781 new style pressed control
arms.The sleeved comtrol arm bushings 857 407 181 fit BOTH types of
control arms, BTDT.
Some people recommend going with the earlier non-sleeved bushings in
the earlier cars, but they are PITA to fit.
Regards, Mike
In the same Digest:.....................................................................................
The older "811" A-arm bushings (the part number starts with "811") are
the only bushings that you can use in the pre-'84 suspension. The newer
style "857" bushings are only for the revised, post '84 suspension. I've
heard you can use the older "811" bushings in the newer suspension,
but I forget why you'd want to.
Bryan Gunn
Thanks to everyone who responded but the $1,000,000 question is "Who
is telling the truth" Has anyone actually put the later style bushings in
the early style A-arms? I was told in an earlier digest that the diameters
are different. Mike has the enviable ability to verify this with a simple trip
to his driveway. Help.
Andrew Finney
1983 UrQ.