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Re: 1.8t first impressions and bedding in engine

Phil Coppin writes:
> Jeff et al,
> BTW are you a buyer or a renter of the Audi?
> One possible hypothesis is that the treatment of a new vehicle is 
> directly related to the above! 
> A 2 or 3 year renter with a 3 year/50000 mile mechanical warranty may 
> not give a flying thingy through a rolling donut about thrashing the 
> gonads off a new engine or, in fact, similar treatment throughout the 
> rental agreement!!!

As I mentioned earlier, the incident in question was purely
accidental (-: The throttle and acceleration is a world of
difference from my old car (a Saturn SL2) and it really caught be
by suprise. I've been babying it since then (not exceeding 4000

I am leasing the car, mainly because the lease fit my needs at the
moment (I need to save cash for a downpayment on a house later
this year). 

I am intending to keep the car at the end of the lease, so I'm
going to treat it like I'm going to have it for a long time. I
leased my last car, and took care of it the same way.
