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Re: Replaced, but not fixed yet (cruise) help

In a message dated 97-03-17 04:14:34 EST, you write:

<< Well guys, just had the dealer replace the cruise control switch
 as it was under warranty from being replaced last July but now it is not
 working?!  Bad switch again?  OR should I look for something else.  The
 cruise system just won't engage all the time.  When it does, the times
 I have had it on, it seems to run fine.  BTW-This is a 93 90.  And where is
 the cruise system located?  TIA!
 -I'd like to see if I can fix this before I let the dealer have another
 crack at it. I already don't like them ;/
There are two vaccuum switches that rest on the pedal return of the clutch
and brake.  They have little white sensing tips on them.  If these are too
far out of alignment or the tips are missing, the cruise won't engage, common
problem.    Good luck.  Sounds like you got a free switch to me.  
