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- To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
- Subject: 15X8
- From: "DEL TERGO Mike -CNGNY -EC" <mike.m.d.deltergo@cngny02.x400.gc.ca>
- Date: 17 Mar 1997 17:54:01 -0500
- Autoforwarded: FALSE
- Importance: normal
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- Priority: normal
- Sender: owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net
- X400-Content-Type: P2-1988 (22)
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Point being, even if they are unused, $1200 is somewhat unrealistic.
BTW Fuchs list for about the $'s and most used go for $400+- set.
I posted what I recently sold a set for and have seen many,(considering
the rarity) sets for sale in that ball park! I hope he gets his price,
it makes mine all that more valuable. Reminds me of the guy who wanted
~$30K for his TQC a while back with only some minor mods
and about 60K miles. Hope he gets it, but market forces IMHO say