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RE: Help! Coupe Quattro puking fuel

You need to call Christian Long and tell him where the gas dumped on his
Coupe was really destined for. Gas coming out of your Coupe, must be
related to the gas being dumped on his...

Sounds like one (or more) of the cylinders was not firing, just pushing
its fuel through, right out the exhaust. Hope it didn't kill the kitty.

-Ian Duff.
>-----Original Message-----
>From:	J. Sala [SMTP:jsala@skynet.uah.ualberta.ca]
>Sent:	Monday, March 17, 1997 11:42 AM
>To:	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject:	Help! Coupe Quattro puking fuel
>On the way to work this morning my idle speed came up to 18-1900 rough 
>RPMs, the exhaust was dumping fuel, and any significant application of 
>throttle would cause a stumble (to say the least), with the occasional 
>backfire.  I limped 2 blocks to the parkade, wiggled the injector wires, 
>restarted the engine, and 10 seconds of test drive I gave it appeared to 
>be ok.
>What's is going on here?? Should I put on the nomex for the drive home?
>Cheers, and a happy St. Patty's day 
>Jon Sala 
>Clinical Engineering			jsala@skynet.uah.ualberta.ca
>Walter McKenzie Centre 0D1.00		http://skynet.uah.ualberta.ca
>University of Alberta Hospitals 	(403) 492-6711
>Capital Health Authority
>8440 112 Street
>Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA T6G-2B7