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Re: See You in Court!

>Hey, you guys, tone it down....both of you.  You both have good valid
>points.....we all have.  Christian could have been killed.  We all
>responded reactively rather than proactively.  But you all don't have to
>get down on one another's comments.  Don't make this any worse for
>Christian than it already is.  BTW, haven't you all noticed that he
>hasn't commented on the list in almost a week?  Did you ever think
>something may have gone wrong?  Stop snivling at each other, respect
>everyone's opinion and keep the yelling and swears off what is supposed
>to be family entertainment for all of us.....
>Thank you. 
Good job!

I really think that this needed to be said.  The first thing I noticed
about this was people's first reaction was not "Christian, go see a
doctor!" but "Christian, go see a lawyer!"
Should he sue?  It's not for us to decide, it's for him to decide.  Let
him do it on his own.  If he wants our legal advice, he can ask for it

Sorry for the ranting
