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Re: Problems w/ Engine Temp Gauge


Was having the same problem on my 20V Coupe; turned out to be a
multiple-connector location on the left front of engine.  Believe the sender 
is on top of the thermostat housing (left front of engine; hose connects 
to it) on your 10V (is under thermostat housing on 20V engines).

Cleaing this contact cured my problem; hopefully does the same for you.

Ray Calvo (porsray@aol.com)

In a message dated 97-03-17 21:15:17 EST, you write:

 From: "Peter F. Smith" <u16343@snet.net>
 My wife's sled...1990 Audi 90, 5cyl, 10V, Auto, FWD is starting to give =
 me a real reason to spend hour after hour reading this list.
 I have noticed an intermittent problem with the temperature gauge. Here =
 are the facts:
 	>sometimes, needle won't come off the peg
 	>sometimes it works normal...then all of a sudden it just drops down to =
 the 	  peg
 	>other times, it won't come off the peg, but after driving for 10-15 =
 minutes,               much longer than necessary for the engine to warm =
 up, it suddenly registers                                                =
                        as if nothing is wrong.
 Need to know where the sending unit is located so I can clean the =
 contacts on the connection[I think this is right], but have no idea =
 where to find it. Do not think the gauge is bad, since when the gauge is =
 not driving me nuts, it works fine.
 Peter F. Smith
 Ivoryton, CT 06442
 1990 Audi 90, AT, non-Q[wife's sled]
 1991 SAAB 900 Turbo[my sled]
 1969 Corvette Roadster[our sled]