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Re: UR Q Questions

>    * Oh Yeah, is there a "secret" to replacing the air filter??
> As you may be able to tell, We are most excited about the car. I know we
>lot's of questions. Hope this isn't a burden to the group.
> BTW anyone have suggestions for Part's purchasing? Anyone publish a catalog?
> How about a recommendation for a shop in Denver if the work get's above me?
> Thanks in advance for your help

Yes, there is a secret.  It is funny, this is one of the most common
discussed topics on the list.  You can either remove the air hose off the
top of the airbox, or, do what most of us do.  Unclamp the top, pull real
hard.  Seriously though, if you pull and manuever the top around, you can
get the old filter out and a new one in.  You will get better at it over
time.  It is much harder to get one in then it is to get one out.

I don't know about a shop in Denver, but, Shokan is a big Audi parts
dealer.  1-800-All-Audi.

I did dig this up for you.  Here is the URL for the recommended mechanics
page on the Quattro list page


Hope that helps.

Welcome to the club!

____________________________ _______ _____ ____ ___
Rob Nance      - nance@flex.net
1986 Audi 4000s - K&N, exhaust, springs, and more..

Divine Systems - http://www.flex.net/Divine/Systems
Home Page      - http://www.flex.net/RobNance/Start