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Re: wheel straightening help...almost

Gross Scruggs <GScruggs@wposmtp.nps.navy.mil> wrote:

> They bolt a wheel to a new, not used but new, hub assembly

At a C-note or two for an OE hub, they must make their own each time?

> No heat is used so there is little chance of changing the original 
> temper (that's not the right word but a better one doesn't come to 
> mind).

Just wondering-- cold work and stress?  Any ME's care to comment?

It would be really useful to know how well repaired wheels hold up
compared to new ones.  Esp. when your aftermarket wheels are
discontinued, this process could be a boon.

--Dave Weiss
  '91 V8 5-spd
  '93 90CS UnQ