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Re: Mixed signals
On Mar 18, 5:07pm, Mann Law wrote:
> Subject: Mixed signals
> Every once in a while [like once a month] the oil pressure light
> will come on, beep, blink, go off. Oil pressure shown is about 4.5 bar,
> level up, oil clean. The most bizarre thing is it happens at various
> points on the rpm range, once at idle, once at cruising speed, etc. Ideas??
> Thanks, Bruce
>-- End of excerpt from Mann Law
A similar thing just happened on my 5KT, except that it kept
doing it all of yesterday, and went suddenly silent this morning.
Same thing: oil level is fine, car seems to be running fine otherwise.
The only thing I can think of is that one of the pressure switches
is flakey.
Arun Rao
Pixar Animation Studios
Pt. Richmond, CA 94804
(510) 215-3526