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Re: abs switch
Linus Toy <linust@mindspring.com> wrote:
>At 04:19 PM 3/18/97 -0500, Rob Winchell wrote:
>>When I got my 200, I was shocked to see a switch that allows me to turn off
>>the Anti-locks. I looked in the manual, and their reasoning for it was
>not sure why you're shocked. I, for one, am glad Audi respected* the
>intelligence of the American driver. seems every other manufacturer
>offering cars in the US doesn't think the average American driver is smart
>enough to figure out how to use "extra" controls or gauges.
>* past tense 'cause they've since dropped the switch, though i've heard it
>was for cost reasons.
Since when do the words "Audi" and "cost consideration" belong in the same
sentence? :)
I'll bet the switch was deleted for one of two reasons:
1. Liability concerns - silly person turns off abs by accident or on
purpose, runs into wall, sues Audi.
2. Marketing - focus groups determine that 90% of Audi purchasers don't
know what abs stands for, why they'd want to um, engage, disengage, turn
on, raise, eject, heat up, cool down... do whatever it is that the button
does, and simply deleted the option. Hey more room for cup holders!
But to save $3 on a switch? IDTS.
<switch always engaged>
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