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what road to hoe(long but sweet)

Since it looks like I might be in the market for a new engine, I thought I 
would ask for some advice from my fellow listers.  To update you a little it 
looks like the engine might be toast and my insurance might cover at least 
part of it.  Pete Kunzler should have posted a question regarding final 
determination of the engine being fried so I will not repeat the question.  
Anyway as I see it I have 4 options.  
1:Find a cheap used stock engine for temporary use due to impending wedding(3 
This is probably the most practical but also might cost me some extra $$ in 
the long run.  The price of said engine should be less than 1000 and would get 
me back on the road quickly and reletively painlessly.  The problem with this 
is that I would dump say 750 on an engine that might be replaced in the next 
couple of years for a turbo.

2:10v turbo engine. Probably where I am headed.
	Plusses: up to ~275hp possible maybe even more with $$
		  Decent milliage 
	               Reletively reliable
		   Close to stock
		   Less  weight than 20v??
            Minuses: Limited max hp of ~275 where as 20v gets there cheap
		  Low end grunt
		  Control arm has to be replaced.  No big deal
		   Time to convert
		   Electrical gremlins
3: 20 v turbo Maybe too expensive right now to buy engine but WOW.
	Plusses: Over 200 horses out of box.
		  Over 400 available.
		   Don't have to change control arm (no big deal)
		   Decent low end.
		   Milliage better than what I got
             Minusses:Weight ????  Would I have to install stiffer springs?
		    Complexity. Even more so than the 10v turbo
                              Transmission.  Will I have to get a tranny too?
	                 Time to convert
		    Electrical bugs
		   Cost   Engine is big $.  Sounds like at least 4000 complete.
4: Stroker na engine.  2.5l with cam and other mods. Interesting option 
considering Neds 400 hp beast getting whipped by a stroked 4kq off the line.
              Plusses: Good low end power.
		   Very little complexity
		    Stock engine management?
		    Cost ~1500-2000 maybe.
		     Fewer electrical gremlins.
		     Great for stop light drags.
		     Close to stock as it gets
		      Very little modification as far as installation.
               Minusses: Restricted power  Probably the most I could get would 
be ~200
		       Complicated rebuild
		        Premium gas only.  Probably could get away with mid grade on turbo.

Well as you see I am confused as ever.  Some insights to the above questions 
and ideas would be greatly appriciated.  Also if someone has an engine for 
sale let me know I am in the market.  I am leaning towards the 10v turbo but 
if I could find a 20v for about the same price I would do that. 
 I would also like to thank Pete for all his help so far and hopefully help in 
the near future.
Pat Martin
864000csq  glub glub.  All the mods don't mean squat when the engine is filled 
with h20 
Presently driving 82 chevy conversion van that is very tired.  PLEASE SAVE ME. 

95 subaru legacy, Still running. Luckily my fiancée is smarter than I. 
Bothell, Wa.