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Dead Battery (fwd)

  I would like to have some help diagnosing
the following problem. My 5000CS worked
fine(except for a winsheild washer low icon)
starting and driving to work yesterday morning.
It was parked from 9AM to 4:30PM. Unlocked
driver's door and found rear door did not unlock
and had to pull lock knob up manually to open
door. First hint. Turned key, no dash lights,
complete, utter silence from starter, no dome
light. Lifted rear seat and checked battery
voltage with multimeter (probes on lead battery
posts, not on terminal ends). ABOUT 1/4 VOLT!!!
	Got jump-started. Started immediately.
Noticed clock giving time as 1:15 so battery
quit just about 4-hours after locking the car
up. Made non-stop trip, directly home (30 min).
Turned off key. Restarted immediately at
seemingly normal cranking speed.
	Checked specific gravity: all cells read
1.125!! Placed battery on charge at 8-10 amps
for a total of about 4 hrs. Spec. grav. now
1.250, electrolyte now somewhat cloudy grey
(clear during the 1.125 original reading).
QUESTION: What could have killed the battery in
4 hours???? The car sat overnight (unlocked) and
started normally the next day.

1. Why did the driver's side door unlock when
the battery was so dead? Is there a mechanical
backup? Will the trunk open when the battery is
2. I noticed that even after getting the battery
jumped and driving for a half hour, the right
hand front door was still locked. Is it possible
that when I locked the car in the morning the
lock actuating motor in the right hand door did
not complete its travel and remained energized
for 4 hours?
3. What other possibilities might there be?	
Thanks for your help.
	1988 50  TQCS; 126k and counting