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Re: no clutch!

>Date: Mon, 24 Mar 1997 12:40:31 +0400
>From:castillo@caries.dental.mu.edu (Dr. Manuel Castillo)
>Subject:Re: no clutch!
>>Date: Mon, 24 Mar 1997 12:39:56 +0400
>>To:"Mike Des Chenes" <mikedes@tiac.net>
>>From:castillo@caries.dental.mu.edu (Dr. Manuel Castillo)
>>Subject:Re: no clutch!
>>>> From: Dr. Manuel Castillo <castillo@caries.dental.mu.edu>
>>>> To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>>>> Subject: no clutch!
>>>> Date: Monday, March 24, 1997 1:27 AM
>>>> Mike:
>>>> Funny, my pedal comes back up after I press it down but it feels like
>>>there is
>>>no resistance. I've checked both the master and slave cyllinders (even
>>>pulled the
>>>slave out of the tranny) . No leaks! Would I see fluid if the seals were
>>>bad? I just 
>>>hope that it's not the clutch lever or release bearing! When my wife gets
>>>home I'll 
>>>have her depress the clutch pedal and see if the slave moves.
>>If the seals are leaking internally you won't see any external evidence. Try
>>pumping the pedal a few times, you may feel the pedal firm , and then soften.
>>When my master went out, I'd pull  the pedal up and as I quickly depressed it
>> would have only an instant of pressure and then I would loose it all.
>>Try to imagine a bicycle tire pump. If the diaphragm is torn inside you may
>>pump and pump but not build any pressure. Also you would not have the air
>>leak out.
>>It sounds like the master cylinder to me, but then again, I'm only a dentist! 
>> Hope you find the cause...