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Save your turbo

afinney@tamsconsultants.com wrote:
For those of us with oil cooled turbos I noticed a product in
Summit Racing's catalog. It's a turbo bearing post-luber. Like
a pre-oiler, tank and all, but smaller. This device is plumbed
into the oil supply line and upon shut down of the car slowly
forces stored oil from a remote tank past your bearings to
cool them and prevent coking. I have no interest in the
company but it seems like a good idea. It's $80US. Any

When I had a new Turbo fitted to the Galant, one of the warrenty conditions
was that the car should be left on idle for at least 1min on cold start-up,
and again before switching off.  I take it that this is so that the oil pump
in the engine does this job, without the need for extra kit.

Everyone else I have spoken to about Turbos agrees that doing this can make
the Turbo last as long as the engine.  After all, the only reason a Turbo
will go is if the bearing wears out or siezes, which is greatly accelerated
by lack of oil, or also dirty/cheap oil.  (another warrenty condition was to
use at least semi-synth oils, only ones recommended for Turbo vehicles -
presumably these stay cleaner for longer).

82 Audi 100 5E 2144cc inj (142k)
84 Mitsubishi Galant Turbo (96k and rusty)  
80 Rover 2600S SDI(46k yes, 46k and on head #5 or will be)
Of all these cars, only the Audi is still running... just!
Mike Walder                   | email:   miwa@premier.co.uk       
Computer Hardware Engineer    |          michael@dcs.rhbnc.ac.uk
Undergraduate Computer Science| WWW:     www.dcs.rhbnc.ac.uk:80/~michael
at The University of London.  | Fax:     01344 776677