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Re: 5K turbo manifold

In a message dated 97-03-26 02:12:46 EST, you write:

<< I was surprised to see the extent of the multiple supersession on the
 exhaust manifold from the one piece to the 2 piece.  Sizable bucks.
 700 plus or minus...  I'm curious as to just what cars the two 
 piece was installed on at the factory if any.  I didn't get out the
 calculator but a quick glance revealed that there didn't appear to
 be much margin in the parts to allow anything sizeable in the way
 of  Q-List discounts.  It's been a crazy we >>
The price from Carlsen is about 750USD.  It flows better than the Dialynx,
and in fact really close to a set of tubular headers.  90 and 91 10vt are
supposed to have them from the factory.  I have looked for 4 years for one in
a yard.  Good luck.  Jeff Goggin found one that ended up being cracked.  I
found one in a yard that was a 90 with a 1 piece after all.  Bummer X 2.  

I'm working on a car right now that will have the 2 piece installed as part
of the upgrade.  If someone needs all the PN, please post me directly.  

