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Re: Audi 86 CGT Horn

> Date:          Wed, 26 Mar 1997 15:40:15 GMT
> From:          quk@sievers.com (Phil Payne)
> Reply-to:      phil@sievers.com
> To:            quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject:       Audi 86 CGT Horn

> In message <Pine.BSI.3.95.970326095511.29610A-100000@laurel.us.net> Jonathan Monetti writes:
> > I have the 86 Coupe GT--no horn when I press the steering wheel, just
> > when I use the center pad.
> Arms at quarter to three, braced against seat and push _real_ hard?

What difference would the time of day make?



87 Coupe GT