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A4 nightmare!

Fellow listers-

My wife was on the way to work this morning in the A4 when some piece
of  sh!t with no insurance hit her.  She's fine; the rear of the car is
not so great...I don't know what I would do if anything terrible
happened to either one of them....

Anyway, I'm in the Boulder, Colorado area and will now need the services
of a body shop.  I don't want to send my brand new A4 to some dorks who
have never worked on one before.  Anybody in the Denver metro area have
any ideas or recommendations?  Does anybody know if Audi of America does
anything for people like us in situations like this?

How bitter am I??  I'm running the biggest Audi A4 website in the world
and my own A4 will be sitting in the shop.

Thanks in advance,
Jason Teller
'97 Cactus Green A4 2.8
            [         Jason E. Teller ::: jet@denver.net          ]
            [						          ]
            [ Audi A4 Pages at http://www.denver.net/~jet/a4.html ]