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Re: Audi #3 in JD Powers Survey!
> From: ScharfR@aol.com
> Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 18:08:00 -0500 (EST)
> To: MSV96@aol.com, quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: Re: Audi #3 in JD Powers Survey!
> In a message dated 97-03-26 12:38:46 EST, MSV96@aol.com writes:
> << I feel that Audi deserves
> kudos for this rise in percepted quality!!! >>
> The Vehicle Durability Index study is not a measure of "perceived" quality,
> rather, it is a measure of real "things gone wrong." Same applies with the
> "Consumer Reports" TGW summaries in their extremely useful April auto issue.
> However, you have reasonable justification to be a bit sceptical of this
> particular J.D. Power study (Vehicle Durability Index). The statistical basis
> is rather small, especially for manufacturers like Audi. However, anybody
> who impugns the validity of the "Consumer Reports" reliability data (the red
> dot/black dot summaries) simply has not done their homework. The data and
> sample size of the CU study is better quality and broader based than anything
> commercially available. And that's the rub. CU doesn't sell their data --
> to anybody. On the other hand, one might say that J.D. Power exists ONLY to
> sell data ... and follow-up studies ... and special consulting services ...
> and syndicated research ... and....
> So, do you smell a personal bias here? I'll fess up. I respect "Consumer
> Reports" data gathering and analysis capability. I don't always agree with
> the conclusions _as_they_ apply_to_ my_unique_circumstances. That's the
> distinction. I see a lotof what I consider mindless bashing of CU, but I see
> very little criticism of the data, methodology, results, etc. In my opinion,
> it's good policy to never ignore facts, just come to your own conclusions.
> (The above is definitely my opinion - everybody should have one -- but
> represents no vested interests)
I glance at, then ignore Consumer Reports when it comes to car
purchases. If I paid attention I would never have owned any of my
four VW's, all of which were great cars, nor would I have
purchased my current Audi Coupe.
I was always confused by their methods of obtaining information for
their reliability surveys. I assume they only poll their subscribers
because I have never once received anything from them even after
having purchased a new car. JD Powers DID contact me and I let them
know the truth: the 94 Golf III GL was one of the most reliable cars
I had ever owned. And if I hadn't seen that GTi VR6 on the lot I
would still be driving it today :)
Virtually all the models I owned were "used cars to avoid". And all
were great. If I want to know about microwaves or lawnmowers, I look
them up. But car purchases are way too subjective and way too
87 Coupe GT