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Re: eurolite pics online (RPI Sale info)

In a message dated 97-03-29 22:36:51 EST, ti@bazooka.amb.org (Ti Kan) writes:

>The ones that European Car magazine used for their project 4000CSQ were
>made by Hella, which do not wrap around.  They still use the orange
>side lenses, and do not have a built-in driving light.

I haven't dug through the magazine files yet, but I remember the lights EC
used as being Bosch units. 

"Ok, so then there are at least four sets of lights for the later 4ks:"

1. Hella DOTs.
2. Hella euros, H4 single-bulb.
3. Bosch euros, H4 single-bulb.
4. Cibie euros, H1/H4 with clear markers.

Could we also add Hella euro H4/H1 duals, which also take out the side

"How do #2 and #3 differ?"
Not by much I believe, same setup, just different mfg's. Can't speak to lense
quality of Hella vs Bosch, though. I'm waiting for the fire sale on the dual
Hella's myself...Is anyone running the Cibie duals? I haven't seen them out
in the wild myself and wondered how they compared to the Hella duals.

Chris Semple
'87 4000q
   '84 4000q
       '83 TQC
           '83 TQC