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RE: Audi #3 in JD Powers Survey!

Although Consumer Reports testers apparently are not looking for the same kind of driving experience as most of us with Audis, we cannot overlook the fact that the repair data they report is objective.  I've owned several Nissans (including currently a 260Z, a 300ZX, and a pickup), and have found them to be extremely reliable.  On the other hand, our 4000CSQ has been almost as reliable and is truly an all-weather car with that unmistakeable "driver's feel" that nearly all other brands fail to deliver.  If Audis were as reliable as Toyotas, everyone would be driving one -- thus robbing us of the pleasure of our "secret" and much of our camaraderie as well.


Gary, in Denver
(303) 969-9964

From: 	Meron[SMTP:phwomp@cosmoslink.net]
Sent: 	Sunday, March 30, 1997 10:27 AM
To: 	jwilliam@water.net
Cc: 	Quattro List
Subject: 	Re: Audi #3 in JD Powers Survey!

>I was always confused by their methods of obtaining information for 
>their reliability surveys.  I assume they only poll their subscribers 
>because I have never once received anything from them even after 
>having purchased a new car.  JD Powers DID contact me and I let them 
>know the truth: 

CR polls their subscribers for the repair information, BTDT, their survey
is EXTREMELY detailed and JD Powers doesn't even come close in data base,
you (and the list) are making a big mistake by continuously bashing CR, all
CR is doing is telling you  information that is out there, they are the
ONLY source without commercial interest......
Nobody is telling you what to buy or what to drive.... but that does not
mean that CR information is wrong. Most people DO NOT buy cars like we
do...... they buy cars for reliable  transportation comfort and low
maintenance costs...... you can not deny that Honda or Toyota have better
records than Audi.......
Use CR as another data available to you, no more, no less, don't bash their
methods or their conclusions, make you own......Putting down other's
(opinions) doesn't necessarily raise your own.....
Avi Meron