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RE: '91 200q 20v stalls after acceleration & then clutch

>i wonder if anyone else has experienced the following. sometimes
>(often), if i accelerate rapidly and then disengage the clutch
>(and leave it disengaged) the engine stalls. 1) this has not
>been repaired by swapping idle control units 2) i should also
>note that even when the engine doesn't stall,    it fairly often
>goes down to 250 or 500 rpm, according to the tach,    under the
>conditions i mentioned. my understanding is that that    isn't
>normal behavior either. does this ring any bells?

When was the last time the plugs, distributor cap and rotor changed? My car has
had a hunting idle sometimes lately, but I have never replaced the cap, rotor or
plugs. Bought it with 85K, it has 115K on it now.

I think that would be a good place to start if you haven't done it already.


Paul Waterloo
Riverside, IL

91 200q

EMAIL: 74543.407@compuserve.com