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5000 Turbo Quattro

In message <8525647B.005C2438.00@services.inso.com> "Richard Haroutunian" writes:

> I  am purchasing an amazing 5KTQ -- and I was wondering if a few owners of
> these cars can tell me what their experience has been..

Invariably expensive.  By internal measures only - by external measures, owners 
of other cars would have scrappped several vehicles by now.  We love to grumble 
about paying Audi $$$ for spares when owners of lesser cars would simply have 
walked away.

> I drove the car last week -- it os amazing, but I did expect a little
> 'boost' on the turbo -- it was less prominent than I expected .
> It was a consistent boost rather than sudden at 3-4 rpm..  Is this unusual?

Yes.  First thing is to drive through the defined RPM band with an external 
boost gauge attached.

> Anyway -- 5KTQ owners -- go to town -- tell me your trials, triumphs,
> downfalls -- everything..
> I need to know from the Quattro net if I am making the right decision
> here..

Asshole.  Of course you are.  But don't worry - you're among friends.

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club
 (and a fellow asshole)