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RE: Hummer This......
Royal said:
>>> I routinely pass several on Route 95 on the northshore of Massachusetts
>>>> on snowy mornings....always makes me smile!
JONES said:
>Hate to bring you down, but in snowy weather my lowly FWD C-GT can also
>routinely pass Hummers - they are only capable of 65 MPH I believe, and
>in my hands in the snow, my Coupe is quite capable of maintaining a pace
faster >than those Behemoths. :-) Maybe I can even show you sometime next
>winter since I travel on the same stretch of the same highway! I assume
>you travel(after work) from 93N to 128N in Woburn and then follow it up
>to Exeter?, which is near? Salem, NH(I am guessing). Am I right?
>Regardless, I'll keep my eye out for a Titanium 1990 90q20v in my neck
>of the woods.
Royal retorts as usual:
You'll have to better than that to bring me down.....a Hummer is limited to
about 65 it is true...but when I'm
only capable of 40mph safely, they're flogging along at 30...I found this
true of my FWD 5000s as well.
As for 93...you couldn't pay me enough to drive that mess...I'm all first
team Route 1 to 95N to the Seacoast!...
...but I'll keep an eye peeled for ya....and as my cousin says as he
routinely pulls in bigger fish:
"You show me nothin'!" :-) We really should end this thread too.....
:-) See you at Mt. Washington?