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High power 10V engines

On Wed, 30 Apr 1997 ptimmerm@mashtun.JPL.NASA.GOV wrote:

> 260-275 HP with a ten valve motor? no problem, and still much
> cheaper.  I am not against the 20 V, really.  However, be
> aware that the MC motor with stock fuel system will support
> over 300 HP with only a inexpensive change to the computer and
> an adjustable waste gate controller.  20V motor costs more, 

260hp or thereabouts is fairly easy with a 10V engine, but 300hp I think
is not.  You will run out of fuel long before you reach 300hp.  I've seen
it in PDQSHIP.  I'm talking real hp here, not "advertising" hp.  It
probably can be done but with more than just an ECU and wastegate. 

Graydon D. Stuckey 
'86 5KCSTQ - Lotsa Go-fast Toys!
'89 T-bird - Lotsa Look-Good Toys!  (don't need any more Go-fast toys!)
'85 RX7    - pooooooor baby, No Toys!  :-(