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May Mountain Melee

Update 1:

"May Mountain Melee XXXIX".  Saturday, May 17, 1997.

Hosted by Touring Club of New England, sanctioned by New England Region
of SCCA (NER-SCCA), sponsored by Whistler. Second event in the 1997
NER-SCCA regional rally championship series.

Designed for experienced & novice rallyists, MMM XXXIX is a 185 mile
straightforward TSD rally, touring the mountains of southeastern Vermont
west-central New Hampshire. MMM XXXIX features tulip route instructions,
& DIY controls, moderate speeds, & dash plaques for all entrants. 

Special awards include Dead-Last-But-Finish (DLBF) & a Cit (Citroen)
Flip award for
the most "interesting" tale of the rally. About 30% of the course will
well-maintained unpaved roads. This rally is not a car-breaker, but may
be suitable for low cars (e.g. Corvettes).

Start: Holiday Inn Express, Springfield, VT. (Exit 7 off I-91.) (802)

Friday, 5/16: Registration & hospitality 8 to 9:30 pm. Novice school

Saturday, 5/17  Registration  7:30 - 9 am.
                First Car Off: 8:31 am.

Finish: Red Coach Inn, Franconia NH. (exit 38 off I-93).
                Car 1 to arrive approx. 5:30 pm.

Fees: $25 (per car) SCCA & TCNE members,  $30 all others.

There will be an awards dinner on Saturday: $18 per person

(Make the checks payable to the NER SCCA)

CONTACT and Send Registrations to: Rallymasters Karen & Max Logan (603)
                                   5 Boulder Circle,  Nashua, NH 03062 

Please indicate Driver and Navigator Name, Address, Telephone, Car Make
& Model
Class: A    B    C   or Novice         

(The Touring Club of New England is presenting 4 events in this year's
regional championship series: "Snow & Ice" in Feb, "May Mountain" in
"The Longest Day" June 21, & "The Lighthouse Depot Rally" September 6.
more info on these events, contact Fred Mapplebeck (603) 880-1620  or
 e-mail: DerfRally@aol.com.)

If you have any questions about this TSD Rally please let me know.

Rally On.

Bob W.