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A4 Computer Removal

	I am preparing to remove the computer from my new A4 to send it to Ned Ritchie for reprogramming.  I have been told that it is under the passenger footwell.  A cursory glance showed that the carpet and trim is very well installed, with no visible fasteners.  If anyone has removed the carpet before and has some comments or advice I would love to hear them before I go in blind.  Thank you.

	BTW, anyone out there have a five-speed 1.8T?  I am a little disappointed in the transmission.  Feels loose to me.  Stick is located a few inches too far forward in the cabin for my liking, too.  Tires are a bit of a disappointment too.  Thankfully I got the sport package or I'd probably be very bummed.  All in all I am happy, though.  As soon as I can beef up the power and do some suspension work I will have one great car! 

Scaled Composites

New England Revolution, Chelsea FC, & FC Bayern Munich (at least while Klinsmann is still there)
1997 A4 1.8TQ (Black, 5-speed)