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Re: belts pullies and stuff

It is the power steering unit (the water pump is driven by the timing belt
behind the timing cover...). Hmm-->me thinking how to describe the sound
of a worn bearing...unsuccessfuly. ;)  You would generally replace the
whole unit with a remanufactured one (exchanging yours in the process). 

On Sun, 4 May 1997, Rusty Rae wrote:

> Okay i have a few questions about my 4000 cs quattro bets abd pullies.
> First off, the belt the is attached to either the water pump or the
> power steering( the top gaget right in the middle) the pully has started
> sqeeking slightly. Now I think that it is the pullies bearing, Now how
> can I be sure, and if it is do I have to replace the whole unit, or can
> I just replace the bearing? As I think about it further i believe that
> it is the water pump, because it has 2 hoses coming out of it!
> Thanks for your help
> Joe rae

 Mark Eissler             |        BigEndian Systems Inc.
 marke@bigendian.com      |     http://www.bigendian.com/ 

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