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88 90 sway bar bushings


Mother's day was saved though the use of a coat hanger, pliers, WD40,
liberal amounts of elbow grease and a few choice words.

Creating tools is what separates man from the beasts, and I felt pretty
neanderthal today.   By looping the hanger around the slit of the
bushing, I threaded it thorugh the eye of the socket and started pulling
it in.  I then maintained pressure while  stuffing in the edges with a
screwdriver.  Five minutes of grunting later, I had it "pop" on in. 

I discovered the driver's strut bearing to be waaaaayyy loose, explaining
some of this car's steering problems.  As I get the  timing belt done
this week, I'll haev the mehanic tighten things up.

Oh,  the ball joints turned out to be the wrong ones. Thanks, Pep Boys! 
I had the same problem on my other 90 when I ordered from Linda @
Carlsen.  CAn't anyone get this straight?

Thanks for listening to me rant about a wasted day with the q on the jack
