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RE: 86 4kcsq vacuum pump
I am picking up the part tonight... I will indeed inform the clan here of the
proper part number so anyone can order the proper seal for their problem vacuum
pump. I'll be interested in hearing if your problem went away after lubbing and
replacing... Let me know!
86 4KCSQ
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 1997 12:24 AM
Subject: RE: 86 4kcsq vacuum pump
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Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 05:27:37 -0400
To: rwoods@triad1.com
From: "Doyt W. Echelberger" <Doyt@poboxes.com>
Subject: RE: 86 4kcsq vacuum pump
Cc: Doyt
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Bentley couldn't have done it as well, Ron. Your post may go into the
archives as a classic.
Yes, the list is EXCELLENT. And for me, you are helping keep it that way.
Visited my dealer today, who could not find either the pump or the o-ring
on his fiche. Dealer said he had a collection of odd o-rings in a box, and
would try to match whatever I brought in.
SAVE THE PART NUMBER when you pick up that ring! Yes, I am shouting.
Please. The survival of the species depends on one dealer (yours) knowing
how to get that o-ring.
I'll take the pump off today, pull the rod, grease it, put it back, and
tighten it down. Then if it has problems, I will discover them and deal
with them. If no problems develop, I can wait until you get your part
number and then I can order one and replace it at my leisure.
I wonder how this pump works, assuming that it _does_ work?
The hose to the intake manifold taps a variable vacuum, so the pump might
be there to augment that vacuum and stabilize it somehow, at some point in
the operating universe of engine conditions. The faster the engine is
running, the lower the vacuum would tend to be. And the booster would be
more important in stopping the speeding car at the higher speeds. So the
pump must be there to boost vacuum as the engine rpms go up.
I could pull the connection at the brake booster, measure the vacuum there
at idle, then at a few other rpm points. I could then remove the actuator
rod and remeasure at the same rpm points. If the readings change, I would
have some clues as to how the pump works.
Without the pump, vacuum should drop as the accelerator is depressed, so
the pump would logically be there to increase the vacuum when it is
dropping due to acceleration.
And I may be all wet about the whole thing. Out with the vacuum gauge, and
on with the testing.
I'll report when I know something. Thanks for helpful encouragement. Hope
to hear from you about the o-ring part number.
86 4kcsq
At 01:54 PM 5/12/97 EDT, rwoods@triad1.com wrote:
>Okay, I too could not find it in the Bentley Manual, but what the hell, I
>for it anyway!
>As a matter of fact, there are only TWO nuts holding this pump onto the head
>near the front opposite the intake side. Turns out, once you remove the two
>nuts, the entire pump will come right off. Actually the push rod inside had
>enough pressure on it that it pushed the pump off as I removed the nuts.
>is a rubber o-ring seal recessed into the pump, which I did not have a new
>I then removed the push rod, rather a large sucker at about 3/8 inches in
>diameter and about 4 inches long. Once I had removed the rod, I simply put
>pump back in place, tightened the nuts and I was back in business. I did
order a
>new o-ring and it should be in at my local dealer today. It was a $2 some
>part, no big deal. Now what I intend to do is lube up the actuator with
>grease and put it back in when I put the new seal on. I will then let
>in the list know whether the ticking sound is still gone. BTW, the entire
>process of removing the rod and getting the car up and running again took
>10 minutes. It was well worth the effort!
>I tell you, I had forgotten how nice my engine sounded without the horrendous
>tick that had been around now for about 6 years. Do I feel stupid now,
>that it was something so simple and after replacing the lifters. Oh well,
>chalk in up to a learning experience.
>This list is EXCELLENT and I'm so glad I stumbled into it! I hope this
helps you
>out somewhat... Good luck, let us know what you find!
>I'm planning on looking deeper into the pump later, without the manual and
>I've got nothing to loose at this point. Besides, now I have an enormous
>of info right here in case I run into problems! <grin>...
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Sunday, May 11, 1997 4:11 PM
>Subject: 86 4kcsq vacuum pump
>Received: (from majordom@localhost) by coimbra.ans.net
(8.8.5-q-beta3/8.7.3) id
>XAA26472 for quattro-outgoing; Sun, 11 May 1997 23:03:10 -0400 (EDT)
>Message-Id: <>
>X-Sender: doyt@
>X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Pro Version 3.0.1 (32)
>Date: Sun, 11 May 1997 21:14:20 -0400
>To: Quattro List <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
>From: "Doyt W. Echelberger" <Doyt@poboxes.com>
>Subject: 86 4kcsq vacuum pump
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>Sender: owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Precedence: bulk
>I want to take my 86 4kcsq vacuum pump apart and see if removing the
>actuator stops the ticking sound, like it did for Ron Wood. and others.
>O.K., where is it? I mean, in the Bentley. I looked at that big red book
>for an hour and couldn't find a page dealing with the vacuum pump.
>I can find the vacuum pump on the engine, but not in the Bentley.
>I have read postings on stopping the ticking that comes from the engine as
>it idles. You just remove the actuator from the vacuum pump, lubricate it
>with lithium grease, put it back in, and enjoy the silence as your engine
>quietly purrs away.
>I need some more detailed instructions before I start taking out bolts and
>prying open seals. Maybe this actuator removal is real easy, but I can't
>even find a picture of it in the Bentley.
>So, there is the question. Ron and Pablo, I read your posts about it today,
>but didn't find necessary details about getting out the actuator. My
>server lost my email for most of the past week, and I probably missed the
>start of the thread. But I want to do this, and am afraid I will
>permanently mess up something if I just start taking things apart. Could
>you copy some details that others sent you, and help me out? Anybody who
>has done this will listened to with great respect.
>86 4kcsq